As the Sun moves in to Taurus, it is time to see what new forms are worth
strengthening & cultivating for the year. When you plant seeds, you never
know which will take root, but now you should see some promise around some of
the intentions you set for 2014. Our ongoing mantra these days is: Is it worth
it? The general energies are intense and transformative and this month, things
may get literal. Taurus gets us present to our creature comforts and basic
security needs like food, sex & money.
This is an *Annual* Activation for everyone, but for the *Fixed* Family,
it can be a little more intense & personal ... Taurus *Initiation* ~
Scorpio *Integration* ~ Leo/Aquarius *Test/Growth*.
Taurus also represents the Gate
of Power, the Mid-Point between Spring & Summer. This is a Infinitely
potent time ~ "in between" ~ a place, also referred to as the
"Sweet Spot" - that very thin membrane between *SEED* and *NEW* Life
... between *Spring* Equinox (seed) and *Summer* Solstice (new life). It
reminds us of the beauty and sustenance Mother Earth has always provided, not
just for humans, but for all life on this planet.
It is time to tune in, harmonize
and synchronize your rhythm with Nature's rhythm. Just like we invite the Invisible
Assistance & Ancestors during the November Scorpio Gate of Power which
honors Death (in the Life/Death/Life Cycle), we now honor renewed Life, and can
now invite the Elementals, Nature Spirits, Devas and the Plant Kingdom in to
conscious collaboration, honoring their teachings and sacrifices made to
assist, feed and support life on this Planet in ways humans may not always be
aware or capable of.
This is a time to celebrate
fertility, abundance and our relationship to Mother. It is a time to celebrate
all that you have created and contributed to, while mindfully preserving *Life*
along the way. Ritual, dance, drumming, toning and/or chanting are always used
in celebrations of Earth and her bounty, as is wearing or surrounding your Self
with *Green* ~ the color of Life/Love ~ and the Heart Chakra.
Finally, lending weight to the
energies this go-round is Juno in Taurus. Juno takes about 4-years to move
through the zodiac, so the last time it was in Taurus was March/April 2010.
Again, my Fixed Babies may feel this one a little more strongly than most, but
certainly we can all take advantage of her added energy. As we cultivate the
Garden, Juno reminds us that we are IN PARTNERSHIP with Mother Earth, and this
is a reminder to deepen our dedication to living in more balanced, natural
ways. As we finish up the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses, we have this additional
support to commit to LIFE. Patriarchal dominance is a death-oriented system
that is unsustainable. Life is created by both the Sacred Masculine & the
Sacred Feminine, one or the other cannot create alone, and neither can we.
It is time to be grateful for the
advances of technology, while still honoring that Nature takes time to
cultivate and fully develop Life before it is ripe for the sharing. We must
slow down and allow natural processes their time to fully develop otherwise, we
miss the sweetness & nutrient. There is much energy for change, which can
be chaotic and unsettling, however, you should already be aware of the core
issues for you/yours so use this month's energy tune in to any internal
'famine' and know that all you need, desire & deserve is already here. All
you need to do is align with it and create space for it in your life. Miracles
Even the Divinations guide us
toward an understanding of 'As above, so below' ~ that we ARE the bridge
between Heaven & Earth; that we are Spirits having a Human experience and
we spend most of our lives just coming to terms with the limitations of our
earthly bodies ; -) and Taurus time invites us to experience the pleasure &
sustenance Mother provides and give deep gratitude for such bounty! The body,
like fruit & flowers, has a natural lifespan that is not long by any
measure so enjoy the time you have, bask in the present moment, for it truly is
a gift.
If you missed last month's Lunar/Solar Guidance, I recommend it as these two
lunations are related and rolling one in to the other and that missive
"set up" this week's continued focus. This week is even more potent
and telling! I've mentioned that we have a 'double dose of Sacred Feminine
energy to a single dose of Sacred Masculine' and for the guidance this month, I
pulled all four Sisters + one Brother! More importantly, Earth Brother &
Earth Sister are the only two "mortals" in this version of the tarot,
which too, is speaking directly to each of us and our humanity. It is time to
fulfill our potential and rise to the next level in every way. That said, we
are still talking 'fundamentals' and the basics of life and living on this
planet. So don't be overwhelmed, instead, SIMPLIFY, PRIORITIZE &
RE-DISTRIBUTE YOUR ENERGY & RESOURCES. Also, I decided to give the guidance
'weekly' below because the guidance was so compelling and supportive of what
the planets are doing. Read on for MORE!
The Aquarius Last Qtr Moon
(4/22) may be challenging you to own your Truth in a completely new way
because the old Truth no longer applies. You may have grown accustomed to
certain habits, where your food, sex & money are concerned, that will no
longer work or support you. This tests you to release the old way and be
radically different. The catch is to stay centered in your *HEART* (Leo) as you
commit to change and let go of an old way of living your life. What's Truth for
you NOW?
This leads to the Taurus New
Moon/Solar Eclipse (4/29) which is a very powerful Eclipse for all! It is
time to set your intentions for the most beautiful, abundant *Garden* your
imagination can dream up ~ Right Now! It's time to set your intentions for how
you want to live - physically - literally - in your body. How is your physical
reality? How equally do you distribute your resources of time, energy &
money? Do you find yourself at "zero" on one or all of these (time,
energy, money)? How often do you live at "zero"? How often do you
experience "full" (plenty-full-satisfied)? When do you experience
balance in your physical life, when you get enough rest, play, work &
Taurus is always about enjoying
the natural, physical life of living on Earth ~ all senses are engaged and
deeply valued for each gift they bring to your individual experience. Your
senses, like your heart, communicates directly 'from you - to you' and no
translator is necessary. A lot of our world forces us to dull our senses
because the way we're living is so unnatural that our bodies literally rebel.
The last year and a half has been a "rewiring" process of revealing
the decay and what is no longer sustainable, and now, with the New Moon Solar
Eclipse in Taurus, we can initiate completely NEW ways of living physical life.
More focus on the abundance and sustainability ~ more integration and practice
of true balance, within and without - more conscious awareness of 'price vs.
cost' to our Souls as well as to the environment - more gratitude - more beauty
- more lifeforms living in true harmony.
This Taurus/Scorpio eclipse
series is almost over, this is the final Taurus New Moon and we have the final
Scorpio New Moon in October when we will also realign our true power & a
renewed discipline that deeply respects and reveres Nature herself as the
Source of our supply. For over a year now, how we physically live on Earth and
how we utilize Mother's many natural resources has completed a 20-yr cycle,
which is naturally part of a couple of much larger cycles. There has been a bit
of the 'gorge theory of pleasure' but that is unsustainable. The current
rewiring, post-2012, is bringing the Sacred Feminine back in to conscious equal
partnership with the Sacred Masculine, which promotes & sustains LIFE! One
without the other does not work, for us or the planet. As we practice
individual balance and internal harmony, we will start to see that Mother's
abundance & security surrounds us, now & always. What physical reality
would bring you the most physical pleasure & personal security? What is
NATURAL for you personally? What are you ready to invest in?
The Leo First Qtr Moon (5/6)
actually falls on the Taurus Gate of Power, so this is a potent day and week
for initiating new Heart-Centered ways of living your physical, daily life.
Where is the Heart in your life, that undeniable passion that sparks you from
within? Where is the love in your life? How often do you laugh and play and
just relax with friends? All this needs to be integrated in to your life on a
regular basis, you may have been in a famine for way too long (many have). Use
this Sacred week to connect to your own wealth, count your blessings and look
for solid ways to expand that wealth in some kind of way. Check in with your
magnetics, what are you attracting? what are you repelling?
This is the Mid-Point between
Spring & Summer and it is a prime opportunity to access balance and
equilibrium prior to the extremes associated with the coming season. You have
6-wks to rectify accounts and clear space for the bounty coming your way. You
have done a LOT of literal and spiritual work over the last 2-5 years and this
is a growth & development kind of time. Even if you are overwhelmed, you
have to have some idea of how you'd like to live differently. Say a prayer
inviting your Higher Self and your personal Guides (of which you have many
assigned to you from birth) to clear the path for you so you can make the best
choices for YOU! Ask them to align you with the energy and the resources to
stabilize your life. You are deeply supported to do all this in a NEW way.
The Scorpio Full Moon (5/14)
is powerful release time! We are literally coming to the end of a 2-month
eclipse *Portal* and life will never be the same again. This is the week we
completely release the past and compost all the death & negativity we've
witnessed or experienced in the last several years. We have learned and lived
SO much in the last 2-5 years, as well as the last 10 & 20 years, as we
crossed over 2012. We are in such new territory that the only things you can
take with you now are internal, on a Soul level - that's your power and your
wealth now. It's time to conceive the new, then the Gemini lunation will
explore the possibilities, while the Cancer lunation will figure out what truly
feeds, sustains & protects you, and then the Leo lunation will test you
further on the very things coming up for you NOW.
If you haven't conversed with
your Soul in a while, now is the time to get reconnected. That connection is
NEVER lost, but only needs regular fortification to serve you well. The
guidance further supports this notion of the inner connection that creates the outer reality: "The Water
Sister represents the power of the emotions and the unconscious/subconscious to
give sustenance to idea. Since she is born from the unification of her father
and mother, Fire and Water (the superconscious and the subconscious), she
symbolizes the process of creation; the beginning of imagination on the
physical plane."
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