Special *FREE* Tele-Class
Thursday, May 13, 2010
@ 9:00-10:00pm
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Chiron Enters *PISCES* ~ 2010-2018
CHIRON: The Wounded Healer
Without darkness
Nothing comes to birth,
As without light
Nothing flowers.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer energy is the wound we come in to heal, individually (your personal chart) and collectively (up in the sky) we move through each Sign in the zodiac during the course of a 50-year Cycle. The *A-Ha* Moment that many experience by/around the age of 50. Chiron's mythology is very interesting, as he was known for consciously choosing death, and in this case, his journey through Aquarius suggests that community and individuals' special gifts / healing abilities have all been undergoing a major healing and transformation (2005-2010). Allowing the ego-based, separatist thinking to die so that a rebirth of communal living and honoring of all living things can re-emerge. This is micro-to-macro, yes on a collective level we are definitely going through this, but on an individual level, can you make the connection to:
If/How you have ...
Separated from your Self and other human beings?
Forgotten what is special about you?
What it feels like to be part of a group energy?
Chiron has been working through many of these Aquarius/Leo issues for the last couple of years and it turns out that almost all of that 5+ years, Chiron would Retrograde during Gemini time and go Direct during Scorpio time. This suggests to me that a review of our thoughts, ideas and expression (Gemini) of community and alternative ways of living (Aquarius) were concerned. And after that review, and subsequent healing within, emerges during Scorpio time ready to plant seeds at such a potent time for creating just such a global community which supports the vital life force of ALL living beings. Scorpio energy assists in activating what needs to be purified, healed and RELEASED (wounds must be cleaned before they can heal and disappear), plunging us in to the Underworld, to be stripped of all ego machinations, humbling us - and hopefully healing us individually and collectively - to come back up to the surface clean, pure and ready to plant healthy new seeds that will nourish humanity for a long time to come.
It is still on the above schedule as it moves in to *PISCES*. And I remind you that it will Retrograde back and forth through the END of Aquarius and the BEGINNING of Pisces, extending a natural *GRACE* period of adjustment to the new energetic vibration. During the 5+ year period in Aquarius, for the collective, we realized or remembered that *either/or* serves no one, all Spirit-all the time ~ and you are no longer grounded ... all reality-all the time ~ and you are no longer free. The during the 8+ year period in Pisces. We must practice Higher Consciousness in our daily (Pisces), mundane, 3-D world (Virgo), making it practical and useful for the entire community. Use tools properly (3-D/Saturn), access Spirit (Consciousness/Uranus) regularly and honor all living beings.
As it moves through Pisces during 2010-2018, your frame of reference will be 1960-1968. A greater sensitivity is available now, a completion of a 50-year Cycle is upon us and we must navigate carefully in preparation for *Initiation* in to Aries next. This *sensitivity* is a mixed blessing. On one hand, you can be overwhelmed by the information you are "sensing" from a multitude of sources and if your Virgo-Filter is not clean and engaged to *sort and sift* what is relevant and useful information, you could drown in confusion. On the other hand, if you practice daily (Virgo) feeling ONE with the Universal energy and flow (Pisces), then you could access a very deep reservoir of knowledge and understanding.
It is time to work with your intuitive capacity and hone it so that it can serve you during this Earthly transition. And remember, Chiron activates the WOUND so it can draw your attention to the HEALING. So at first, many will feel open and vulnerable, which can make you feel the need to protect your Self, and in piling on whatever layers of protection you think you need, you LOSE TOUCH with your ability to "sense" things around you. Body - Buildings - Energy Fields - whatever you 'surround' your Self with as 'protection', when excessive or imbalanced, can block necessary, incoming energy and information. Until you find a balance and understanding of WHAT you are sensing, you may struggle to connect to God/Spirit/Oneness/BLISS (that is essential to your nature).
Chiron's Schedule ~
Chiron takes about 51 years to move through all 12 signs, and has an extremely erratic orbit where it spends much more time in a handful of signs (Aries/Taurus and Aquarius/Pisces) and very little (comparatively) in all other signs. This speaks to what I always say about Pluto's transformative energy as it too has an erratic orbit - that transformation (Pluto) and healing (Chiron) "takes as long as it takes" and neither will be boxed in to a formula that we linear-thinking humans can define, control or set our own clock to. Both occur in Divine Time and Order and all we can really do is attempt to co-create with the energies available and allow the process to run its course, making new choices along the way. Also note, that when Chiron moves through the END & BEGINNING of the zodiac, it affects the LARGEST POPULATION for quite a length of time. The current evolution begins with Aquarius (2005) and will be intense for most of us through Taurus (2034).
Chiron orbits between Saturn (our physical reality) and Uranus (Higher Consciousness) which also suggests that you must HEAL the connection (bridge) between these two vital aspects of your being. This is the first step to integrating your human and spirit selves, which is absolutely necessary to expand your consciousness (Neptune), transmute your karmic patterns (Pluto) and reach Higher Consciousness (Uranus). You have to go through Chiron to get to any of that! Wherever Chiron is in your personal chart is the healing you incarnated to do and that which you will automatically teach by your life's example.
Mini Chiron History ~
Chiron has also been associated with Sagittarius because of the centaur connection, but that only speaks further to the integration of the physical (Saturn) and spiritual (Uranus) natures within us. Traditionally, Mercury is said to rule Virgo, however, while I believe there are some definite Mercurial qualities to Virgo, I believe Chiron is the true ruler of Virgo, a more complete expression, because it is the HEALER (total Virgo/High Priestess energy) and is well known for his mastery of herbalism, acupuncture, massage, homeopathy, chiropractic and all alternative healing modalities. Additionally, Chiron was discovered (brought in to our conscious awareness) in 1977 when these modalities all really anchored in the collective consciousness and became more widely accepted and practiced. Still under the explosion of connections of Chiron on the collective, the next year, 1978, The Native American Religious Freedom Act was passed which allowed American Indians, Eskimos and Native Hawaiians to practice their earth-based wisdom and healing practices (Virgo is an earth sign) speaks to the practical application of Spirit in everyday life. These people infused Spirit in to ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE.
... and DEATH which brings me to another example of Chiron in our world, choosing death consciously, of your own free will. In mythology, Chiron lived for centuries and had the full spectrum of experiences (gods and humans) with the exception of death. He had been wounded and he suffered (like we all do) until he asked to be released from the body, a wish that was granted. So essentially, he CHOSE to walk in to the Underworld, fearless and willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good. What within you needs to be sacrificed for your own greater good and ultimate evolution? (His death released Prometheus, the Bringer of Light.) From the darkness, comes Light. From death, comes new life. Struggle is futile, going willingly UNLOCKS the magic!
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