Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mercury Retrograde in CAPRICORN

Mercury Retrograde in *CAPRICORN*
Redesign Your Blueprint for Success

Mercury in Capricorn: Dec 5, 2009 ~ Feb 10, 2010
Mercury Retrograde ~ Dec 26, 2009
Mercury Direct ~ Jan 15, 2010

You get a chance a few times a year to check in with Mercury and see if YOUR systems are all communicating properly. This should be welcomed not resisted. This is a good time to review and revise your goals, go back over all that you've attempted and see if there is anything you missed initially. This is a good time to reflect on how you would LIKE to express your Highest Self; how you communicate with your Self and others; what you are a "voice" for. It is good to back up all computers and do regular maintenance on your car for good measure and consider the down-time, a "back up" of your internal computer.

Mercury generally goes Retrograde *3* times a year, for about 3-weeks at a time. Periodically, like 2009, a 4th one will occur and straddle the year-end. Most often, it involves two elements. For example, all of 2009, Mercury went backward in Air Signs and Direct in Earth Signs. This is an indication that the initial review has to do with your ideas, concepts, thought processes and perceptions. Once that review is done, and forward movement is resumed, you can express and anchor them in some tangible way, in the 3-D, Earth realm. Most of the time, two Elements are involved, but every couple of years, an entire year of Mercury Retrogrades will be in ONE Element, like 2010. The last time it was ALL Earth was 2003 and the next time will be 2016.

How has your thinking grown and changed since 2003, in concrete, tangible ways? How would you like to develop and evolve by 2016?

Mercury in CAPRICORN ... is going to get you present to your personal 'Blueprint' of success. Definitions and Decisions are up for review this season. How do you define success? How are the details of the structure of your life holding things together for you (or not)? Mercury's rulership of the mind, thoughts and perceptions, in this placement will activate the part of your thinking that is (or can be) very grounded and practical. Your ideas are more ambitious and you're completely supported, especially during a Retrograde period, to (re)organize those thoughts. If you don't have a goal, or if your thinking is not serving you in some measurable, effective way, then depression can set in or you are capable of disconnecting emotionally as a defense mechanism. A more useful approach to that is acknowledge that you don't need to be emotional at this time, it does not serve you. Consider yourself the 'architect' of your own life, setting out to build a beautiful and substantial structure that will serve you and benefit others in the long term.

This is a time when 'actions speak louder than words' ~ so even though your mental body may be extremely active, it is also going to plant the seeds (or pressure you) to *DO* something tangible about the thoughts, ideas and concepts you are perceiving at this time. Review the last year for clues on how to be more efficient and effective, stay in the present moment (as best you can) and invite *clarity* of purpose. Plan ~ Strategize ~ Organize ~ Prepare ~ ALL behind the scenes, internally, privately, as Mercury pulls back. Commune with Nature for clues on how vital structures work together and support each other, then plan to emulate that upon forward movement, in the multi-dimensions of your own life. Complete any old projects that have been delayed (for whatever reason). Starting new things is not advised, but completing old ones is tremendously supported, especially anything that will strengthen your foundation if it were only done and out of the way.

Capricorn is all about responsibility and a broad overview, think: head of household. That individual (male or female) has to consider all involved, all issues as well as all possible solutions that ultimately must hold the greater good of the whole 'family' in mind when making choices and decisions. This is a time to see where you may have given away your inner authority to others, with expectations that were ultimately not met. Set some goals to *achieve* something tangible with your ideas in 2010 and use all the Retrograde periods to review your thoughts, words and deeds for *effectiveness*. Release those thoughts and ideas which no longer serve you, use the Retrograde periods (all year) to bless with gratitude and *release* once and for all. On an additional note, Mercury rules choices and decisions and Capricorn rules bones and teeth, which ironically, when having trouble have their root in "postponing decisions". Use this period to set the tone for the entire year (how you start is how you will finish) and re-commit to making the long overdue and vital decisions that, once made, will fortify you on the deepest level.

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