Sunday, August 29, 2010

Healing & Unity ... Within FIRST!

We must not, in trying to think about
how we can make a big difference,
ignore the small daily differences
we CAN make which,
over time, add up to big differences
that we often cannot foresee.

VIRGO: Healing Requires Faith
PISCES: Unity Requires Order

This season is so important, and taking advantage of every possible form of support and good energy, (planetary or otherwise) is vital to making a smooth transition to the next leg of this particular journey. This energy will feed you in a way that fuels your process, making you more effective in your preparation for tangible results. However, if you are not ready, it may also frustrate you by pointing out every crack in your personal system, scattering your energy to the point that you don't know where to even begin because there are too many tasks at hand. BREATHE! and remember you can always CHOOSE to express this energy in a different way in any given moment.

True to Virgo form, yes, a light is shining on all that is still YET to do before 2010 ends and 2011 begins. Hence all these goodies ~ I want you as healthy and prepared as you possibly can be at this pivotal time in our history. Virgo energy is here to assist you in: sorting and sifting, organizing and planning, healing and replenishing ... your being ~ your life ~ your environment ~ your community ~ and most of all, your many and varied personal and professional SYSTEMS for living ... it is time!

Honor your core being by using the current energy to genuinely dig deep, and find the SEED of who you are becoming. What will it take to bring that seed to LIFE? You have been stripped of all the non-essential (one way or another), and all that is left, is that seed of promise within ... this seed will lie dormant until the right season, perfect conditions and Divine Order collide to support this particular life. (You can help that along if you wish, with your thoughts, intentions, words and deeds.)

At the moment of commitment
the Universe conspires to

All the various activations (transits and planetary line-ups) throughout this year (and last year) are directing you. (How well do you take direction?) The Sign energies bring the lessons and the Houses they travel through activate those areas of your life which need attention at this time. What you do, don't do and intend to do for the last quarter of this year will determine where you end up (blossoming) come Spring 2011. Fall and Winter in our hemisphere is your chance to PROCESS the past, heal and REPLENISH on many levels, and ORGANIZE/SET UP your future.

This is the time of the year when focusing on the 'little things' is not considered a distraction, sabotage or delaying your good. This is actually your chance to PAUSE (for the cause). It is time to catch up EVERYTHING and get organized for the second half of the natural year (Spring to Spring calendar year makes each Fall the half-way mark of the year.) How is this year unfolding for you so far? What do you want to be? be doing? be giving? be sharing? come Spring 2011? For wherever you are on your Path to the next level, taking advantage of the planetary support this month and getting these things DONE ~ is made even more pertinent as Mercury Retrogrades through Virgo (8/20 - 9/12), extending the period and supporting your *process*. As that happens, you'll be forced to do a major review, replenish your energy stores and re-work your plan.

The irony of commitment is that
it is deeply liberating ...
in work, in play, in love.
Be Committed!

Virgo is the time to purify, heal and work on your Self ~ in preparation for Libra time. Libra represents relationships, collaborations and what we cultivate in the community. You will magnetize and bring in the people, places, resources and circumstances which MATCH *YOUR* ENERGY. Virgo is here to PERFECT YOU! Once you get a plan for your Self, clear your debris and get ready for sharing your energies with others come Libra time. Mercury Retrograde is actually assisting you in this process as it will help change your thinking on something critical you may have forgotten or overlooked.

This time is about YOU and your life and where it is heading. Is it moving in a direction of YOUR choosing and design? Also, in addition to organizing your life, this is your heads-up to back up your computers, get maintenance done on your vehicles (bikes or cars), and generally prepare yourself for as best you can so that if/when delays or confusion arises, you can breathe through it. The more you prepare now, the smoother the remainder of the year will go. Whatever you do not get done, simply keep moving and do what you can, because we are still amidst the Summer Retrogrades which always tend to bring delays, do-overs and/or miscommunications where both humans and machines are concerned.

The ability to simplify means
to eliminate the unnecessary
so that the necessary may speak.

Trust me, Order is the FIRST Law of the Universe, whatever 'order' you can create in your world will only make your world that much more interesting to live in. Order is usually simpler than we humans make it out to be, so simplify any/everything you can and get your priorities straight. If you tip-toe ahead a bit, dream a little, think of where you want to be come Spring 2011 (6 months) and Fall 2011 (1 year)? Then work backwards from THAT VISION and map out your steps, create a schedule, draw up a blueprint ... one that allows for re-visions as you go.

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