Thursday, December 22, 2011

*WINTER* Solstice 2011

*Energetic* Guidance & Support
for Navigating *NOW*
~ 12.22.2011 ~
*WINTER* Solstice 2011
Click Here for 37-min Audio + Archives

Our life is an apprenticeship to the Truth
that around every circle another can be drawn;
that there is no end in nature,
but every end is a beginning,
and under every deep
a lower deep opens.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Hi All ~ Happy Solstice! I have more to share before year's end, but wanted you to have the *Winter* Solstice energetic *support* to guide you through this weekend and in to the First Qtr of the year. There is a 37-min Audio that covers the *Winter* Solstice Overview, Chart and I-Ching Guidance. As you listen and *Initiate* your *NEW* Year, consider all the tremendous *support* we have from the current planetary movement, cycles and alignments. Solstice initiates our long-term goals, while within 48-hrs the Capricorn New Moon initiates our *personal* goals, the *NEW* Reality we'd like to fully experience in the coming year *2012*. You may want to reflect on the July 2011 Capricorn Full Moon *Release* work you did to clear a space for this New Reality to anchor. Capricorn energy is all about how you hold your own structures, maintain your own foundations and are responsible for your own contribution.

Now, consider Jupiter going Direct at Zero *Taurus* (12/25) right after the Capricorn New Moon (12/24). We've now (theoretically) completed the *Annual* Editing process Jupiter brings with its Retrograde. Taurus brings up what everything is *Worth* ~ what you're worth, what your investment in Self & Others is worth, where your values lie at this time and what your priorities are around your personal *comfort* and 3D existence are concerned. Jupiter is the larger *Story* but if you have any Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius Activated in your chart, then it gets *personal* for you. For the rest of us, we need to consider the Houses ruled by those Signs to see where Jupiter is evolving our own personal stories.

The other thing that jumps out as relevant to mention is all of this Capricorn/Cancer Energy is a *Response* to the last energy (Sag/Gemini Eclipses etc) and *Preparation* for the next leg of the journey come Aquarius/Leo work. So Sag/Gemini got us all thinking in completely new ways, which is now catalyzing *Choices & Decisions* ... which will lead to what we are able to manifest in *Form* and stabilize so that it supports us going forward in to the next round of energetic *Work*.

The *Rhythm* goes something like this ...

Mutable Energy ~
~ Gemini/Sagittarius/Virgo/Pisces
~ Inspires the Ideas, Thoughts & Concepts

~ which catalyzes Direction
Cardinal Energy ~
~ Aries/Libra/Cancer/Capricorn
Inspires the Choices & Decisions

~ which catalyzes Action
Fixed Energy ~
~ Taurus/Scorpio/Leo/Aquarius
Inspires the Grounding & Consolidation

~ which catalyzes Stability

With all that in mind, note that Mercury will finish its extended stay in Sag by Jan 8th when it will move in to Capricorn. I suspect that will be when many of the *Ideas & Concepts* you've entertained and invested in over the last year will finally begin to take on a discernable *Form & Shape* that you can then build on. Jan 9th brings the Cancer Full Moon, which too will *Illuminate* which ideas will actually *Feed* you in some substantial way in the coming 6-months, most likely by revealing any *Famine* you've experienced over the last year. Now & Always, despite holiday *obligations* or any challenging *appearances*, the Universe continues to support our *Evolution* so tune in when/where you can and give a nod to the *Source* Energy which brings the *Blessings & Miracles* truly possible as we step in to this delicious & potent New Year! More Soon! I wish everyone a *Joyous* New Year!

PS - Click Here for Weekly Forecast to guide the remainder of the year. I'd like to point out the usefulness of co-creating with the Sun/Pluto *Annual* Activation (12/29) and all the Activations leading up to that one are your *Prep* Work.

Friday, December 2, 2011

*SAG-GEMINI* Eclipse Season Support

*Energetic* Guidance & Support
for Navigating *NOW*
~ 11.30.2011 ~
*SAG/GEMINI* Eclipse Overview & Support
Click Here for 28-min Audio + Archives

The things we fear most in organizations,
fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances ...
are the primary sources of creativity.
~ Margaret J. Wheatley ~

Hi All ~ I worked Major *Mojo* 11/11 thru 11/22 and then shifted for family obligations and like you, had to *simultaneously* navigate the intense Eclipse energy and incoming Mercury Retrograde. I have used the *Overview* + *Chart* portions of the Sag *Lunar* Tele-Class (11/17) as our Guidance for *NOW*. I just re-listened and found it tremendously useful! Sagittarius time every year, affords you the opportunity to *Deepen Your Truth* and *Expand Your Story* ~ to move from the revelations of Scorpio's *Raw Truth* ... to the inspirations of Sag's *Higher Truth* ... to make *meaning* out of all that has been brought in to the Light. We're also at the *Mid-Point* in the Jupiter Annual Cycle (Sag's Ruler) with one month left to complete the *Editing* Process Jupiter Retrograde brings (every year). Once it moves forward (12/25), so too will ALL that you *Clarify* at THIS time, when the Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/North Node all make their way through the sign of the Archer!

I have always thought Scorpio was my favorite time of the year but I'm amending that to include the whole last quarter of the year. Scorpio is the best because it clears out the old, Sagittarius is the best for dreaming up the future and Capricorn is the best for initiating the foundation for those dreams to expand on. I *LOVE* this time of year! It so beautifully supports this natural evolution. I can also testify that after working mojo *WITH* the energies over the years, it has always produced results directly equal to the investment of my own energy. I say that to say, you can invest a little or a lot and yield tangible results based on your efforts.

Another thing to consider is that the Sag *Work*( (11/22-12/22) is leading to the ONLY (almost) 30-day period of the entire year when ALL the planets are moving in forward motion ~ which means NO HOLDING BACK! Dec 25th (Jupiter Direct) until Jan 23rd (2012 - Mars Retro) provides a small window of opportunity to hold your own counsel, tune in to the cosmos and your Higher Self and come up with a new and improved vision for your life. I suggest you use the holiday season to give your Self the GIFT of TIME to reflect and plan. You are standing on this side of a bridge, about to crossover to completely new, and as yet, unknown territory, which deserves more than a fleeting thought.

As I ruminated the relationship between Sagittarius and Capricorn, many things started to dance in my consciousness. The energy of faith, optimism and enthusiasm (Sagittarius) to create a reality (Capricorn) based on your personal Truth (Sag) and ultimate Purpose (Capricorn) for being here. It CANNOT just be the proverbial 'struggle from the cradle to the grave'. 'Survival-Mode' is a state of mind and we have free will and choice to re-vision the "Mode" in which we navigate through this life. We've practiced transmuting 'Survival-Mode' for *Self-Preservation* in recent years and it is starting to pay off. Sag's gift is *Exploring* the possibilities, while Capricorn's gift is turning those possibilities into *Tangible* Reality. We need BOTH energies, and the lessons they bring.

If we can also use the energy of Mercury Retrograde in Sag (11/24 - 12/13) as well as the Sag/Gemini Eclipse Season this month, then NEXT month when ALL Planets are *Direct* for a brief time (12/25 - 1/23/2012) you can work with Capricorn's energy of ... Defining Your Reality ~ Creating Your Structure ~ Building Your Foundation ~ Renewing Your Definitions (of Everything) ... not to mention this is *INITIATING* 2012! It is vital to at least set your *Intentions* during this *OPEN* Field ... it is the most Fiery Creative Energy available for *Change* and Birthing *ANEW*! Yummm!

PS ~ Also consider the on-going Cardinal Cross which directly engages Uranus (Liberation) in Aries (Independence) ~ Saturn (Structure) in Libra (Balanced Relationships) ~ and Pluto (Transformation) in Capricorn (Responsibility) and this is the time it is *Activating* the Pluto in Capricorn "leg" (11/26 - 1/27/2012) making things fairly *Personal* for us all. Your frame of reference should be Spring & Fall Equinox and Summer Solstice, this Winter Solstice *Initiates* a NEW Year of work and the final one that Saturn will contribute to in this particular way. The Cardinal energies have to do with our *Fundamentals* ~ Home/Work ~ Private/Public ~ Self/Others ~ Individual/Collective. This is an EXCELLENT TIME to deeply *process* the past couple of years and recognize the truly *NEW* Level you're at and *NEW* Reality you're living. It is a NEW Day!!

· Take some time to reflect on 2011
· Set intentions for 2012
· Tune in to the forward movement on the horizon
· Clear the old, make way for the new
· NO MORE "RE-" anything ~ you're starting with a CLEAN SLATE
· Release anything you do not want bigger
· Release anything you do not want anchored for the next 16-20 years
· Use discomfort as a motivation to change
· Change sooner than later that which you KNOW needs to be changed
· Do not put off to tomorrow what you can do today
· Use the current energies to "break to realign" whatever needs it most
· Take personal responsibility for your own success
· Face the consequences of past choices and commit to change (from this day forward)
· Do not be extreme but be vigilant
· Do not be rigid but be consistent
· Do not be apathetic or pessimistic but be flexible and relaxed
· Do not be stagnant but finish what you start
· Think bigger, expand your realm and consider other possibilities
· Invite the invisible help of your angels and guides to bring you creative solutions
· Find a need in the community and fill it
· Choose a cause to contribute some energy to (start w. SELF)
· Get out of your comfort zone but have FUN (this does not have to be painful)

Whosoever wishes to know about the world
must learn about it in its particular details.
Knowledge is not intelligence.
In searching for the truth
be ready for the unexpected.
Change alone is unchanging.
The same road goes both up and down.
The beginning of a circle is also its end.
Not I, but the world says it: all is one.
And yet everything comes in season.
~ Heraclietus of Ephesus ~

**Heracleitus of Ephesus (ca. 540-ca. 475 BC) ~ Greek philosopher who thought of the universe as a place of ceaseless change ("flux"), going so far as to suggest that a new Sun was created each day. He believed the fundamental element was Fire, because it was always changing, and felt that evidence from the Senses was untrustworthy and had to be used with caution. He was interested in understanding the processes occurring behind the "veil" of appearances. © 1996-2007 Eric W. Weisstein

ALSO Relevant to *NOW* ...
KARMIC TOOLS ~ Weekly Forecast:
November 27 - December 3, 2011

11/27 ~ Venus (socialize) ~trine~ Jupiter (optimism):

This is a most pleasant energy, although short lived. This is a good time to enjoy some kind of social activity. No pressure - just easy, laid back fun. It can make you prone to laziness, but only if you’re already prone to it. Otherwise, if you are typically constantly on the go, this energy gives you permission to kick back a little and release the usual pressures to produce. Take some time out to “smell the roses” or at least reflect on all that you HAVE accomplished and give your Self due credit for coming this far. This is a good time to go on a vacation or short trip. This energy tends to bring forth rewards for past actions. Take a moment to give thanks to the powers that be which brought you to this point!

12/1 ~ Venus (relationships) ~conjunct~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy intensifies relationships, for better or worse. Because your values and priorities are shifting, relationships must also undergo a similar adjustment. Beware of value differences that can cause power struggles which are unproductive. Try to create circumstances that are win/win, and mutually beneficial, this will allow the relationship to EVOLVE, rather than revolve back into the cycle. It is best to use this energy to consciously transform your personal values and define how you’d like to be engaged with others in the future. You may feel really intense at this time, it is the best time to tap your Infinite creative flow and create something AMAZING!

12/2 ~ Sun (core-Self) ~square~ Mars (passion):
Knowledge is power - and in this case, it is better to know than not know. You KNOW it's going to be a challenging time, so don't act surprised when it happens. This energy's sole purpose is to test the validity of a position you took or a statement you made about six months ago. The Universe, and a couple of humans for good measure, will be pointing out your weaknesses, short-comings, lack of preparation and mistakes you've made. Be careful not to be overly sensitive to others or impatient with the progress, or lack thereof, of your current situation. Be assertive but not belligerent and beware of it in others, toward you. This energy brings conflict with authority figures too. If possible, find a positive, physical outlet for your energy this week. If you don't allow your frustrations to be expressed at all, they will explode in the worst way, at the worst possible time; possibly manifesting themselves in illness or accidents. If you don't feel any aggression, anxiety or frustration then you may be suppressing it all, and again, it WILL manifest, ready or not, so beware. And if you are not suppressing it, you may be projecting it and attracting angry, frustrated people to you. If you work WITH this energy, you have access to the ability to do the work and CREATE an authentic life.

*SAGITTARIUS* Prayers & Affirmations

When you follow your Bliss,
doors will open where
you would not have thought
there would be doors; and
where there would not be a door
... for someone else!

Expand Your Horizons!
Going to the Next Level

Sagittarius energy is all about expansion! Expand means to: make or become greater in size, scope or range or it means to open up and out; unfold. We want to do ALL of that this month! There is a story that Wayne Dyer tells on one of his tapes that illustrates my point perfectly. If you take a pair of shorts with an elastic waist and pull them as far as they will go, they will snap back to normal with no problem. However, when you pull the elastic BEYOND ITS LIMITS, the shorts are NEVER THE SAME AGAIN. That's what we want to do. Extend your Self beyond where you usually give up or stop. Start slow and easy but take some aspect of your mind, body, spirit or life and take it to the next level in some way. Growth isn't always easy and it can sometimes be painful, but the end result is so worth the effort. There's a quote by Vincent Van Gogh, "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced!"

I fearlessly move to the next level, welcoming all the lessons and the blessings that come to me by Divine right.

Another Sagittarius aspect is about exploring other philosophies and ways of living (religions, cultures, etc.) It's about trying new and different things and then taking the parts that resonate with you and combining various beliefs to create your own unique belief system, which works for you. Explore and experiment with different concepts. For a lot of us, we hold on to outdated belief systems that no longer serve our Highest good, it's just old habits dying hard. However, in this day and time, it has become essential that we roll with the changes and adapt. We are being forced to release any preconceived notions about life and the best way to live it. Release any old conditioning that may not even be yours, but you picked it up along the way and don't even realize it.

I am open and receptive to new belief systems which will serve my Highest good, now in this moment and always.

Another principle Sagittarius brings to the table is honesty! However painful or uncomfortable it may be, now is the time to take a good long look at how you're living and if it is really your Truth. This energy is not honest in a critical way (and you shouldn't be either - with your Self or others) but in a detached way, where you access this ability to stand back and accurately assess who and where you are in life. Detachment is not a bad thing when you're trying to figure out where the changes are necessary; where you need to expand and where you need to pull back in your life.

I am detached from the 'how' and 'when' things manifest in my life (that's God's job) and I choose this day to live as honestly as possible, thereby attracting my Truth and Purpose.

Enthusiasm is sometimes ALL we have to attract things into our lives with ... and sometimes that's all it takes. Have you ever been around someone with a contagious personality? They just exude enthusiasm and it gives you permission to be more enthusiastic as well. We need more people like that in the world. But really, when you're trying to manifest, you may not have the money or background that you need, but if you are FULL of enthusiasm, people will listen. A good way to know if you're truly enthusiastic is when it is natural. If you have to think about it, you're on the wrong track - what I'm talking about is a feeling - a gut feeling.

The Eternal Essence of who I am is not my mind (which thinks), but my heart (which feels); I live each day from my heart, come what may.

You are on a Spiritual Quest, whether consciously or not, at this time. Higher learning is underway and you have probably gathered a considerable amount of information lately, and now it is time to assimilate and integrate it all. Take some time in nature, in silence, to listen to what your Higher Self is trying to convey to you at this time. Question long-held beliefs about your Self and others. Rather than living your conditioning, tune in to the Truth as YOU define it and exercise your free will and choice to choose a new path.

I lovingly release long-held beliefs which no longer serve my Highest good and embrace a new truth.

This is the month to expand your thinking. If you are not even open to an ideal, if you haven't even tried to cultivate your own Truth, then this month gives you the incentive to access that part of you. Next month, with Capricorn energy, you can give that ideal a structure and develop a plan for making it tangible, however, this month, only focus on the HIGHEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME. One month of your life, you can free your thinking just enough to allow a new seed to be planted.

I commit to taking the time to discover my Highest Truth and expand my thinking, to dream and dream BIG, then taking the next step to fully expressing the wonder that is my life, the life I created.


Prayers & Affirmations
Click Here for *MORE*!